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Please contact on for advertising. The real domain investor is held a virtual prisoner in goa, her correspondence ROBBED by raw/cbi employees without a court order in a clear case of human rights abuses,

Another reason for the skills fraud in the indian internet sector, was the indian government decision to allow the ntro/raw/cbi employees to rob the memory of the goa 1989 jee topper, a single woman engineer, domain investor they HATED in a clear case of HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES, without a legally valid reason. The ntro, raw employees led by mhow monster puneet were so blinded by their hatred of the domain investor that they thought that by ROBBING her memories they would create an exact replica, when other intelligence agencies correctly pointed out memories are only one aspect of a person.

It is an indication of the quality of the top indian intelligence and security agencies that the ntro employees were allowed to commit the HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES of robbing memory and then making fake claims that the ROBBERS were exact replicas, the western intelligence correctly pointed that the personal values of a person also differentiate the person from others. It appears that the leaders in India do not value qualities like honesty, hard work, skills, education, loyalty, they have a very short term vision rewarding robbers, cheaters, liars frauds, not realizing the losses and damage they will cause in the long term.

The top leaders and officials in India do not realize that people are paid for the work they do, which depends on the skills they have, not ROBBED MEMORIES. Indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, tata showed their complete lack of honesty, corporate ethics when they supported and rewarded the MEMORY ROBBERY for the last ten years since 2010. It was this MEMORY ROBBERY which led to the SKILLS, FINANCIAL FRAUD, labor law violations since 2010, since the MEMORY ROBBERS were ruthless in destroying the reputation of the domain investor, who was actually doing all the work.

legally every citizen is india has the right to equality, yet the indian government is extremely ruthless in its skills fraud on highly skilled citizens, criminally defaming them in the worst manner,robbing their memory without a legally valid reason, and making fake claims about lazy greedy well connected frauds with no skills at all, to waste taxpayer money paying them monthly salaries.

Kindly note that allegedly bribed by google, tata, the indian and state governments especially in goa, madhya pradesh, karnataka, haryana have DUPED domain registrars, registries and ICANN for the last 10 years that call girl, robber, cheater raw/cbi employees like goan frauds riddhi nayak caro, siddhi mandrekar, slim goan bhandari sunaina chodan, bengaluru housewife nayanshree hathwar, gujju frauds asmita patel, naina chandan who looks like actress sneha wagh, her lazy fraud sons nikhil, karan, indore robber deepika, ruchika kinge who have not paid any money for domains, own this and other domains in an ONLINE FINANCIAL, BANKING FRAUD, to get them all raw/cbi salaries at the expense of the real domain investor, who is criminally defamed in the worst possible manner, her correspondence robbed, subjected to human rights abuses, to isolate her completely without a legally valid reason and cause great financial losses. The real domain investor is a private citizen who raw/cbi/ntro employees hate,criminally defame, commit human rights abuses without a legally valid reason for the last 10 years forcing the real domain investor to post this explicit disclaimer to prevent further losses and alert ICANN
